20th New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival to Feature Moroccan Jewish Communities

Press Morocco World News 3.1.2017

New York – The American Sephardi Federation (ASF) open its doors on March 30 for the New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival.

The week long event features the rich history of the Sephardic Jewish Community across the globe through film, with specific nights dedicated to the Moroccan, Iraqi, Greek, and Yemenite Jewish communities.

The festival will shed light on the stories of Sephardic Jews from Baghdad to Greece, Ethiopia to Switzerland, and Israel to Iran.  According to ASF representative Jennifer Zwiebel, this year will be the first time that the festival dedicates a full day of films to the unrevealed suffering of Sephardic Jews from Algeria, Tunisia, and Greece during the Holocaust. “Sephardim in the Shoah,” will be presented on Sunday, April 2, and “From Ethiopia to Israel,” on Tuesday, April 4, both themes will explore the challenges of emigration.

Read the full article on moroccoworldnews.com