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The World Jewish Congress - North America & American Sephardi federation

Remembering The Forgotten Jewish Refugees

Tuesday, November 28 at 6:00 pm — At Moise Safra Center

A commemoration of the mass exodus and expulsion of Jews from the Middle East & North Africa in the 20th century and its impact on present-day antisemitism. The event will feature:

  • testimonies from Middle Eastern & North African Jewish refugees
  • discussion with Greater Sephardi/Mizrahi young leaders on campus
  • exhibition on history of Jews in Arab & Islamic lands
  • musical tribute to the nearly 1 million Jews uprooted from Asia & Africa

Tuesday, 28 November at 6:00PM EST

@The Moise Safra Center (130 E 82nd St)

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Sephardic Hors d’oeuvres & Dessert will be served

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