The Supreme Value of Jewish Unity Rosh HaShana, 5785

!תזכו לשנים רבות

(“May you merit many blessed years!”)

From your friends at

The American Sephardi Federation

In honor of Rosh HaShana, the ASF’s Sephardi World Weekly is pleased to offer the following “Letter from the Land of Israel”:

After October 7th, Jews around the world instinctively understood that Jewish unity is a supreme value that needs to be cultivated and cherished. Hamas’ orgy of mass murder, rape, and kidnapping had been preceded by a year of intra-Jewish hatred. We cannot let that happen again.

In the spirit of cultivating and cherishing Jewish unity, the American Sephardi Federation is happy to republish an original translation of Hakham Rabbi Meir Ben-Zion Hai Uziel’s (1880-1953) “Spiritual Will to the Jewish People.”

Prime Minister David Ben Gurion walking in back of Hakham Uziel, Foundation Ceremony, Hebrew University Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel, 7 June 1951
(Photo courtesy of the Israel Government Press Office – National Photo Collection)

Composed by the first Sephardi Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel shortly before his passing, R’Uziel’s spiritual will reflects a lifetime devoted to Jewish life and learning. In the opening to his address, R’Uziel shares the noble goals that constituted his “life’s purpose,” including: 

… to bring peace to every Jewish person, man and woman, in body and soul, speech and deed, mind and heart, intention and action, at home and on the street, in village and city—true peace to the entire house and family of Israel, the entire congregation of Israel, with all its branches and parties—and between Israel and its Father in heaven.

…I am certain that I have not succeeded in reaching even a fraction of a fraction of these goals that I have made my life goals, but I know, and God, Knower of mysteries, knows, and even Israel knows that this has been my intent and my prayer.

Striving to communicate the intent and prayer that guided his life to future generations, R’Uziel especially urges the Jewish people to

protect, with every safeguard, the peace of the state and the peace of the people; “love truth and peace,” for divisiveness and schism are the most dangerous enemies. They eat away at the house of Israel and cause its bones to rot. 

By contrast, peace and unity are the eternal foundations for the national existence of the house of Israel, may it never fall. These are the pillars upon which the house of Israel is founded for all time; they are conduits of blessing, sources of bounty, and the vehicle of the Jewish people’s courage and might.

R’Uziel’s words should be read in a larger context. Influential political thinkers and leaders often assume that conflict is fundamental to internal politics. They advise “princes” to make use of internal divisions to strengthen their power, and through their power, the power of the state. But as the year leading up to October 7th demonstrated, this is a dangerous game. In his final address to the Jewish people, R’Uziel delineates an alternative way, a path of “truth and peace” that brings “blessing… bounty… courage and might.”


This Rosh HaShana take a stand for Jewish unity. Your generous support of the ASF’s Sephardi House Fellowship helps bring #AllJewsTogether by enlightening and empowering Jewish students on campuses coast-to-coast.


Print out R’Uziel’s “Spiritual Will” and read it in your home or in your synagogue. Share it with your friends. And may we merit to strengthen in our hearts the supreme value of Jewish unity this upcoming year.

Shana tova u’metuka! 

The American Sephardi Federation



Hinei Ma Tov (Psalm 133). “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!”

“Dzień Papieża Jana Pawła II,” 2004
(Screenshot courtesy of Youtube)

Israeli musicians Sagiv Cohen, Gavriel Butler, and Ronit Hillel performed at Pope John Paul II Day in Poland, the last one celebrated with the live participation of Pope John Paul II via video link from the Vatican on 10 October 2004. An estimated crowd of 40,000 packed the square in front of Warsaw’s Royal Castle as millions watched around the world.

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