“I am very proud to sing for the Moroccan people here [at Opening Night of The American Sephardi Federation’s New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival]. And I said to Mr. André Azoulay my admiration for him, for the state, for the Moroccan State, for the King, the two Kings [King Hassan IIand His Majesty the King, Mohammed VI, King of Morocco]…. And I said that I want to sing for the Festival of Essouira because my roots are Arabic, Andalussi, Berber… my roots and family. Like you saw in the film [by Diarna: Geo-Museum of North African and Middle Eastern Jewish Life]” ~ Enrico Macias during his performance at The 2017 New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival!
(Photo courtesy of Chrystie Sherman – http://www.chrystiesherman.com)