The Pomegranate Card

Donate $76* Now to Reserve Your Pomegranate Card!
(*$54 tax-deductible)

Pomegranate Cardholders advance ASF’s essential mission to restore Sephardi tradition to its pride of place in Jewish history and the Jewish conversation in America today.
Your Pomegranate Cardholder Benefits Include:
- Subscription to the print magazine and special newspaper editions of The Sephardi Report, a publication that shines a light on contemporary Sephardi creativity and excellence in the arts, scholarship, entrepreneurship, rabbinic thought, and philanthropy
- Subscription for one year to the print edition of Moment Magazine, the award-winning independent Jewish intellectual and cultural magazine founded in 1975 by Elie Wiesel and Leonard Fein
- Special discount on the ASF Institute of Jewish Experience’s online courses (stay tuned for more information soon…)
- Subscription to the ASF’s e-publications, Sephardi Ideas Monthly, Sephardi World Weekly, and Letters from the Land of Israel
- 10% discount on purchases at the ASF’s Sephardi Shop
- Invitations to important Sephardi events across the country
- Special discount for VIP Passes to the upcoming 24rd NY Sephardic Jewish Film Festival