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Presented by ASF Institute of Jewish Experience

Sepharadi approach to Talmud Torah in the writings of Hakham Yosef Faur (1934-2020)

EventLecture, Religion
Thursday, March 10 at 12:00 pm

The ASF Institute of Jewish Experience presents:

Sepharadi approach to Talmud Torah in the writings of Hakham Yosef Faur (1934-2020)

Join us for Part 2 in our series “Insights from our Hakhamim with the students of The Habura.”

Thursday, 10 March

@ 9AM PDT ◊ 12PM EST ◊ 5PM London ◊ 7PM Jerusalem ◊ 8PM Dubai

About the speaker:
Yonatan Rahmani is a Jewish educator living in NYC. After completing the Springboard Fellowship at CUNY Queens College Hillel, he moved to Jerusalem to study at the Pardes Center for Jewish Educators. Yonatan returned to NYC as a member of the NYU Bronfman Center’s Student Life team, before joining YCT as a member of the inaugural JEWEL program. Yonatan is happiest when cooking, learning, hosting guests for Shabbat, and spending time with his family.

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