American Sephardi Solidarity with Israel

The American Sephardi Federation stands with Israel in its fight against the barbarism of Hamas, an evil organization that delights in targeting, torturing, humiliating, kidnaping, and slaughtering innocents. The arguments that have divided us are as nothing compared to our common destiny, from the streets of Sderot to Times Square. It is horrifying that there are politicians, academics, and student organizations in this country who excuse Hamas’ atrocities as legitimate expressions of grievances. Just yesterday, our Sephardi House Fellows on campuses coast-to-coast were confronted by demonstrations celebrating Hamas!
At this dark hour—as we pray for the safety of the embattled IDF fighting on the Free World’s frontlines as well as ASF staff and students living in the line of fire, mourn more than 1,000 murdered Israelis, tend to the thousands wounded, and seek the freedom of over a hundred hostages (including a disabled Holocaust survivor)—we must recommit ourselves to bringing all Jews together. The fundamental imperative of Jewish history remains unchanged: unity is a value in and of itself; disunity leads to destruction and dispersion.
As Hakham Uziel, Israel’s first Sephardic Chief Rabbi, said: “‘Love truth and peace,’ for divisiveness and schism are the most dangerous enemies. They eat away at the house of Israel and cause its bones to rot. By contrast, peace and unity are the eternal foundations for the national existence of the house of Israel, may it never fall. These are the pillars upon which the house of Israel is founded for all time; they are conduits of blessing, sources of bounty, and the vehicle of the Jewish people’s courage and might.”
The American Sephardi Federation also wishes to express its sympathy for the many innocent inhabitants of Gaza, who, for so long, have been terrorized by Hamas while hoping for peaceful and productive lives, and are now being exploited as human shields and otherwise made victims of Hamas’ malevolent actions.
Am Yisrael Hai! !עם ישראל חי
The American Sephardi Federation
Two Solidary Events Today
The ASF proudly supports the UJA-Federation of NY and JCRC’s
New York Stands with Israel
Vigil & Rally
Join us for a major community wide rally led by JCRC and UJA-Federation to show the world that we #StandWithIsrael
Tuesday, 10 October
Doors open at 4:30PM EST
Program begins at 5:00 PM EST
@Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
East 47th St &, 2nd Ave, New York, NY 10017
(Backpacks strictly prohibited)
The ASF proudly supports the Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America’s:
Sephardic Prayer & Unity Vigil for Israel
Join our Sephardic Community and Kehilot nationwide as we come together for a evening of unity, strength, and prayer in the face of the catastrophe facing Israel.
Program will include a live update from a Sephardic community leader on the ground in Israel, communal prayers, special words of Torah from our Sephardic Rabbis, and ways to give.
Tuesday, 10 October at 8:30 PM EST
Sign-up Now!
Sephardic Community Partners:
Sephardic Community Partners: Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America, Kehila Kedosha Janina, Sephardic Temple of Cedarhurst, Sephardic Jewish Center of Forest Hills, Sephardic Educational Center, Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation, Congregation Ezra Bessaroth, Congregation Ahavath Achim, Etz Ahaim Sephardic Congregation, Sephardic Congregation of Fort Lee, Congregation Mikveh Israel, Etz Chaim Sephardic Congregation of Indianapolis, Congregation Or VeShalom, American Sephardi Federation, and Congregation Anshe Sefarad San Francisco
Please support the ASF with a generous, tax-deductible contribution so we can continue to cultivate and advocate, preserve and promote, as well as educate and empower!