Beyond the Curriculum

The ASF’s Board of Directors submitted testimony to California’s Governor and State Board of Education after scholars, students, and other constituents raised concerns about the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC). Due to the ASF’s outreach and advocacy, we ensured that the 3rd draft’s divisive and destructive ideology did not receive a hechser from the American Jewish community. In the end, not even the problematic Jewish lesson plans (one of which contained a fragment of the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism) were included in a mandatory section of the ESMC’s final draft. Even if they had been, the IHRA Definition is incomplete without its critical Examples. For comparison, as our colleagues at the American Jewish Committee pointed out in their testimony, an ESMC mandatory section requires students to say “Affirmations, Chants, and Energizers” to pagan deities, some of whom were historically worshiped with “human sacrifices.”
No longer violating students' First Amendment rights to be free from religious coercion (ie schools forcing prayers to gods once worshiped by mass murder) is progress, but the #ESMC remains w/o @TheIHRA &
fundamentally flawed: @blakeflayton— American Sephardi Federation (ASF) (@AmericanSephard) January 18, 2022
A California school district has hired the authors of the #ESMC's worst draft for “professional training” & “curriculum development” All those who supported adopting the #ESMC citing alleged progress need to answer for this predicted outcome. #Antisemitism
— American Sephardi Federation (ASF) (@AmericanSephard) January 28, 2022
The ESMC’s approval, the nationwide push to adopt similar curricula, and the inability of many organizations allegedly opposed to articulate a principled and positive alternative has compelled the ASF to continue to engage on this issue. Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about our approach.
The ASF Board of Directors public response to interference:
The American Sephardi Federation’s (ASF’s) Board of Directors have noted that some unfortunate & irrelevant interference has raised its ugly head in conjunction with our organization’s expressed concern with the 3rd draft of the California Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (#ESMC)
— American Sephardi Federation (ASF) (@AmericanSephard) February 23, 2021
Salient points to consider when evaluating Jewish lesson plans:
1⃣ Too much disinformation? Too many distractions? We're thinking differently about California's #ESMC 3rd draft… & offering some salient points that bring #AllJewsTogether. Example: #Antisemites do not discriminate between the types of Jews they hate, but rather hate all Jews.
— American Sephardi Federation (ASF) (@AmericanSephard) February 18, 2021
The #ESMC gets an "F" grading on a curve.
Join the #ASF in rejecting lesson plans that commit the 3Ds:
Divide the Jewish people into conflicting identities;
Define Jews by the hateful beliefs & behaviors of others;
Deny Jewish agency & achievement, especially in America.
— American Sephardi Federation (ASF) (@AmericanSephard) March 16, 2021
4⃣ There is simply no comparison between the #antisemitism faced by Persian Jews who found refuge in California after 1979, & their friends & relatives still in Iran, who suffer daily from state-sanctioned discrimination & social stigma or “otherization” under the current regime.
— American Sephardi Federation (ASF) (@AmericanSephard) February 22, 2021
6⃣ The beauty, depth, diversity, & vitality of the Jewish intellectual & cultural legacy, which is rooted in classic #Sephardic history & tradition, is not reducible to a victimhood narrative. #ESMC #GreaterSephardi #AmericanSephardi #ProudJew #AllJewsTogether #JewishResilience
— American Sephardi Federation (ASF) (@AmericanSephard) February 25, 2021
8⃣ Students should explore, create, & question. As Israel's 1st Sephardic Chief Rabbi Hakham Ben-Zion Meir Hai Ouziel taught: learning entails uncovering "all that is good & beautiful" in different cultures, & adding our "own blessings to the cultural treasury of humanity.” #ESMC
— American Sephardi Federation (ASF) (@AmericanSephard) March 2, 2021
The #ASF's critique of the #ESMC was inspired by @isaacdecastrog & informed by R'Rachel Isaacs' & Dr Jones' calls for intellectual honesty & moral decency. Alas, too many are "drinking from the cup" of ideologies that foster division, manipulation,& hatred
— American Sephardi Federation (ASF) (@AmericanSephard) January 17, 2022
Tish’a B’Ab demonstrates the link btw disunity & destruction caused by baseless hatred (sinat hinam), aka discriminating against a group identity. We must stand for Jewish unity against ignoble attempts to divide us! #AllJewsTogether #Sephardi #ASF #ProudJew #TishaBeav #CRT #ESMC
— American Sephardi Federation (ASF) (@AmericanSephard) July 18, 2021
A poetic reminder about what constitutes adoption of The IHRA:
The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Definition w/Examples is critical to combating #antisemitism. Don't fall for false claims: @TheIHRA cannot be partially "adopted" or "canonized."#Valentine #AmericanSephardi #AllJewsTogether @isaacdecastrog
— American Sephardi Federation (ASF) (@AmericanSephard) February 14, 2021